The Giant Schnauzer is a breed of dog developed in the 17th century in Germany. It is the largest of the three breeds of Schnauzer—the other two breeds being the Standard Schnauzer and the Miniature Schnauzer. Numerous breeds were used in its development, including the black Great Dane, the Bouvier des Flandres, and the German Pinscher. Originally bred to assist on farms by driving livestock to market and guarding the farmer's property, the breed eventually moved into the city, where it worked guarding breweries, butchers' shops, stockyards and factories. It was unknown outside of Bavaria until it became popular as a military dog during World War I and World War II.
They have a dense coarse coat that protects them from the weather. Giant Schnauzers come in three color varieties: pepper and salt, pure black, and black and silver. Where legal, they are shown with cropped ears and docked tails. Like other schnauzers, they have a distinct beard and eyebrows.
Today, the Giant Schnauzer participates in numerous dog sports, including Schutzhund; excels in nose-work and due to its alert nature, the dog is also used in police work.
Etta is a Pepper and Salt. If dogs could speak... She would never stop talking. Always wanting to do her best, but unable to hold still long enough to actually accomplish it.
Uma is a Pure Black. She is a very serious dog, she expects everyone to follow the rules of the play yard or end up on her radar, and that's like being told to go to the principal's office.
Mavis is Pure Black. She is the middle ground of our girls, super focused on what she wants, but also a little dizzy. Will make her presence known and then be fine just hanging out.
Hex is a Pepper and Salt. He is a big, lumbering ding-dong. As long as you pet him, he's your best friend. He may be a working and guarding breed...but nobody told him.
Murdoch is a Black and Silver. The most adaptable dog of them all. Never meets an enemy (dog, human or otherwise), and is always trying to please! He is willing to work or just to loaf around.
Ren is Pepper and Salt. If you want a dog who will match your energy all day long and play fetch until your arm falls off, he's your guy. Swimming? yes. Running 5 miles? yes. Sleeping on the couch with the T.V on? yes.
These radiographs are sent to a board certified radiologist for each of our Adult Giants when they turn 2 years of age (OFA standard), all our giants pass on elbows and hips, with the below exception to
Etta, Murdock & Hex
Pepper and Salt Giants are regularly not passed by the OFA for Hips
We recommend keeping ALL COLOR varieties on a vitamin supplement!
Our vet is here regularly- she sees all our adults, our puppies and even some of our farm animals. We vaccinate all our adult dogs for the following:
Solid Black: $2,200
Pepper & Salt: $2,400
Black & Silver: $2,500
$400 deposit required to join reservation list
We have a mobile vet come to our house and do this when the puppies are 3-5 days old. His or Her Microchip information will be all over the packet you receive when arriving for pick-up. DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER IT IN YOUR NAME!
All our adult dogs are AKC registered, this allows your puppy to be registered as well, unless otherwise agreed upon, this will be a limited registration. This means your puppy can still compete in most AKC events, however, he or she is not eligible to reproduce AKC registerable litters.
All puppies are seen by our mobile vet at 3-5 days old for their tails/dewclaws, they are also seen at 8 weeks to start their vaccine series. They will come with a exam form from our vet that we will go over with you as proof of their first vaccination.
It's important no matter what you choose to use or not use that you transition your puppy onto or off of it slowly, we will give you a few day worth of the things we feed your new family member here.
This will be a solid black litter! We only have 1 spot left for reservation!
LeRoy started having seizures around 8 months old, after many tests that all came back negative, we started medications, he improved but continued to have episodes VERY periodically. On June 16th 2023 he began to have an uncontrollable back to back seizure, even with his rescue medications. His temperature was above 105.9, he was unable to stand and we had to make the difficult choice to say goodbye to him
After multiple serious complications that we tried to correct following her emergency c-section on July 14th 2023, Edith became unable to attend to her puppies and began refusing to eat. We called several ERs to attempt life saving measures and unfortunately they did not have enough blood or staff to maintain her, we made the painful decision to let her go. Even though devastated, we took on her role and by all odds all 9 of her beautiful puppies are in loving homes!